Document Release Information | |
Article Number | J-004 |
Version | 1.0 |
Effective | |
Last Modified | 01FEB24 |
Approving Authority | Joint Forces Commander |
For Video Game Use Only (FVFUO) |
The vJFC will conduct weekly operations from Monday to Sunday every week of the year. Weeks that contain “holidays” are subject to recognition by the Joint Forces Commander (JFC) for exemption to any requirement policy, and the JFC reserves the right to make any day/week/month a “holiday” for the benefit of the command.
All members are subject to the Virtual Joint Forces Command Inc. Bylaws, which states that membership is defined by those that have been accepted via application and maintains good standing.
Good Standing is defined as:
Members who are found to be in breach of any one of the previous requirements will be notified of a change in status, and in the event no contact cannot be with the member, will be discharged in accordance with J-008 Demotions and Discharges.
All prospective members will be subject to a probationary period where they are evaluated on two requirements, maintain good standing and complete the initial qualification for their occupation.
Trainees will be assigned to a designated J7 Instructor, and will coordinate with their instructor for completing their weekly 2 hour requirement to perform their occupation [in-game]. Until such time that they graduate and are assigned to a unit and will complete Section 5. Member Requirements.
Students are responsible for their training progression, and managing their scheduled training sessions. Students are not eligible for Unit Operations or Joint Operations, but may attend Open Operations or Missions. Students must attend any unit meetings, or meetings scheduled by the J7 School Lead (unless they submit for and are approved for a pass).
Each occupation for entry level members can be found on the website and will have a certified vJFC initial qualification pipeline for new recruits that can be found below;
All new prospective-rated recruits of the vJFC will enter the aviation training pipeline according to the Service and MDS requirements they have applied for. Personnel of this rank are on a probationary status with the unit until they graduate IPT.
Students are required to complete the initial checkride within 14 days of enlistment. Students who do not pass the initial checkride are re-evaluated when they are ready, but must complete the Initial Pilot Training in 90 days. Those who fail to complete IPT will be offered the opportunity to transfer to a non-rated occupation or Entry Level Separation, either are eligible to re-apply to open IPT slots after a 30 day cooling off period.
Upon completion of IPT, Students will be promoted and transferred to their rated billet as a Wingman.
All members are required to perform their [in-game] primary occupation every week for at least 2 hours on any vJFC server with another member (preferably in the same flight, or in a coordinated training setting), not including participation in official operations.
Members who obtain secondary qualifications are subject to requirements found in Section 6. Additional Qualifications.
Any commander within a member’s Chain of Command can waive the weekly training requirement(s) at their discretion.
All training eligible for qualifying towards the 2 hour weekly requirement must be performed within the following guidelines:
Some exceptions to the above do apply, those will be made on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the Joint Staff, and will have other weekly requirements in lieu of game-related activities, see J-003 Billets Section 4.4 Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
Unit commanders with responsibilities/duties to provide training materials or plans may add additional requirements to the guidelines above, for example, that the 2 hour weekly training also adhere to the advised training topic of their unit for that week.
No unit specific requirements may contradict or effectively remove the baseline Command guidelines, or those from a superior unit in the CoC.
Additional requirements must be communicated clearly to all members in those billets, first upon assignment to the unit, and following any adjustments thereafter.