Document Release Information | |
Article Number | J-011 |
Version | 1.0 |
Effective | |
Last Modified | 01FEB25 |
Approving Authority | Joint Forces Commander |
For Video Game Use Only (FVFUO) |
This policy is the official standard operating procedure (SOP) for names, clan tags, nicknames/call signs, and in-game usernames that applies to all members of the Virtual Joint Forces Command. This procedure serves in-lieu of a uniform, but will effectively serve to unify through an orderly structure to the way we present our presence to represent the unit, other members, and ourselves.
Upon application to the unit, a unique full name is required to adhere to other aspects of this naming policy. Names do not have to be the legal, or synonymous with the actual name of the individual, only realistic and not strictly the name of a famous person, character, or cultural icon.
Names that may be considered influential may be approved by the Joint Forces Commander (JFC) upon request with a written explanation, the JFC is not obligated to approve application names if proven to be the applicant’s real name.
Members may decide that it is necessary to request their vJFC name to be changed at a date following their approval into the unit. Requests are subject to the same constraints and considerations as the original application, and the vJFC reserves the right to deny name changes at any time.
Requests made within the first 30 days that are approved will be sent to J1 to have all records past, present, and future in all vJFC systems updated to the new name. Requests made after the member’s first 30 days that are approved will have present references in discord and the website updated, and all future records in all systems will utilize the updated name.
In Discord, the primary communication method, members will be obligated to display their correct rank, last name, and first initial in their server username for any official vJFC discord server(s), and in other discords where they are serving as a representative on behalf of the vJFC. The rank must be in full capitalization, the rest of the name must follow standard capitalization rules of the first letter, and no spaces except before a nickname/callsign. Members with an officially recognized nickname or callsign may add that name after the essential information, if it fits, and is between quotation marks.
Examples of names that do follow to this policy:
Examples of names in discord that do NOT follow this policy, this list is not exhaustive:
Unless otherwise directed by this policy the same rules for standard naming displays from discord will be used in games with an added prefix of the unit’s clan tag. Similar to the discord name requirement, nicknames/call signs may be included, so long as they fit, and other critical information is included first.
The unit’s official way to display in-game clan tags: [vJFC]
The JFC authorizes the following exception(s) by game:
During official operations, or when directed by the J3 event coordinators, in-game usernames for DCS, are permitted to deviate from the naming policy in favor of a standard unit callsign and unique numerical identifier as assigned. In these cases, no part of the member’s name is to be included. During events on public servers, or in official joint operations with another community, the J2/3 director may also direct planners/coordinators to require the clan tags to be worn following the assigned flight callsign.
Example of in-game DCS usernames, when directed by the J2/3:
Nicknames, and more specifically Call Signs are an honorary name given to individuals on behalf of their fellow members to recognize an accomplishment, embarrassing moment, personality trait, etc.
These names will be given in good faith as a sign of admiration and brotherhood. All names are subject to review by the CoC, and may be disqualified for the good of the vJFC and the presentation of public facing names (usernames in game or discord).
Names may be disqualified for the following, but not limited to:
Requirements to be eligible for a callsign/nickname are:
Exception: the Joint Staff may veto the assignment of any callsign/nickname or nullify the results of a Ceremony for any reasons listed above, or as seen fit by the JFC.
Once an individual is eligible for a callsign/nickname, the assigning unit will begin to record possible names and once members of the same flight/platoon have a list of at least 3 names (that are distinct from one another) they may request a ceremony be held on behalf of the member. Those from outside the flight/platoon may suggest names prior to the ceremony to any of the same flight/platoon members to be considered for the list submitted to the Squadron/Company Commander. Once all names of interest are gathered, the Flight/Platoon Commander will submit to the Squadron/Company Staff to proceed with a ceremony.
Names will be submitted to the CoC for verification of eligibility, and as long as at least 3 names are approved by the Wing/Battalion Commander, then the ceremony may proceed. Any commander in the CoC may elect to remove a name from eligibility, or recommend one is removed by the Wing/Battalion Commander.
The Squadron/Company Commander will then make a forum post in the squadron’s qualified (ex. winged) chat on Discord containing a poll for a vote that must extend for at least 72 hours. The post must also be open for members of the squadron to advocate for, or ask questions about any name on the list (names not already listed may not be voted upon).
The name with the highest votes at the end of the time frame for the poll will be selected, the member will be notified with the assignment of the discord role that permits them to see the final vote in the forum post.
In the event of a tie, a runoff vote may be held between the names with the highest score, and again this vote must extend for at least 72 hours. Repeat until only one name has the highest score.
Individuals who hold a leadership role that become eligible for a nickname/callsign after assignment to a leadership billet that do not have flight/platoon members, may elect a squadron to perform the ceremony on their behalf where all squadron members may suggest names for eligibility review by the CoC, not including the member in question. If the member in question is the Wing/Battalion Commander, then final approval is subject to Component Commander review. If the member is assigned to the Joint Staff then it requires the JFC approval.
Members that already have a nickname/callsign, but either request a new one, does something that merits a new name, or transfers to a new unit may be subject to a Re-Naming ceremony at the discretion of the flight/platoon and squadron/company commander approval.
Re-Naming Ceremonies will follow the same process as listed above in Section 5.1 Ceremony, with the exception that the member must have their discord role temporarily removed, which gives them access to the discord channel with the voting post.