I will not engage in any form of cheating and will not tolerate those who do.
I will abide by all established game specific Community Rules while playing within the Virtual Joint Forces Command's servers. I will obtain proper authorization before using any of the Virtual Joint Forces Command for training activities and understand that a Flight Practice always has priority in those servers. I will not utilize the Virtual Joint Forces Command tag when naming a private server without obtaining proper authorization.
I will wear my Virtual Joint Forces Command clan tags in all game servers in the games supported by the unit. I will additionally wear my Virtual Joint Forces Command clan tags within the Virtual Joint Forces Command Discord Server according to the standard format (RNK.Last.F).
I will attend all required meetings, trainings, and any other scheduled official events or will inform, in advance, the appropriate person in my Chain of Command.
I will also endeavor to ensure I do not be deemed Absent Without Leave (AWOL) due to lack of attendance.
I will ensure that the Community Rules are followed by all members and server guests, and will enforce them per the established administration guidelines (or will report the violator to the appropriate personnel in the event that action cannot be taken).
I will obtain a visual confirmation of a reported violation prior to taking action per the established administration guidelines.
I will consider all orders issued via in-game chat invalid until auditory confirmation is obtained, whether via Discord.
I will refrain from engaging in discussion or debate of political, religious or other similarly volatile subject matters in any Virtual Joint Forces Command owned medium (game servers, Discord).
I will observe military courtesy as explicitly defined in the Discord Code of Conduct.
I will not belong to another unit/clan (in any game supported by the unit) while a member of the Virtual Joint Forces Command.
I will put forth my best effort to recruit individuals in our Virtual Joint Forces Command servers who demonstrate by their play and behavior the core values of our unit.
I will not recruit within non-Virtual Joint Forces Command servers or non-public servers.
I will not recruit members from within the unit (recruit from one area of operation or game to another). The Joint Staff can authorize recruitment from within under certain circumstances such as Starter Flights, etc.
Requests for aid will not be made without Joint Forces Commander or Joint Forces Deputy Commander approval. Posts requesting aid will not be made without Joint Staff approval.
No member will solicit financial or any other monetary requests/charity from another member for any reason. This includes but is not limited to direct funds, gifts, or personal/public platforms to receive funds.
No member will promote or share through a Virtual Joint Forces Command channel their personal requests for aide. Links to verified charities and crowd funding can only be posted by a member of the Joint Staff once it has been approved.
Any member who is struggling with financial hardship who would like assistance should contact the Joint Forces Commander or their Deputy directly. Interest in promoting a charity drive should be routed through the S5 Director for Joint Staff consideration.
All members, regardless of rank or billet, are bound by these Joint Orders. Under no circumstances can Joint Orders be ignored.