All personnel, including both active and former members, are required to have their Discord identity synced with the rules below.
All personnel, including both active and former members, shall have their server profile nickname set up as follows: RANK.Last.First Initial.
All aviation personnel, including both active and former members, that have earned their respective Wings badge and a call-sign name from a ceremony can display their aviation call-sign at the end of their name.
All personnel, including both active and former members, are required to have non-offensive and appropriate Discord avatars as part of their server profile while operating on our Discord server. Memes and offensive content are not allowed.
Spirit of the Rule: All current and former members will be easily identifiable and in uniform.
Remember that in the vJFCOM, everything is earned, and so we must respect the achievements that earned a member the rank they currently hold. There are three 'settings' that determine how we address each other.
During activities in an official setting, ranks shall be observed, whether talking to or about a member. You may be instructed by a specific NCO or Officer to drop ranks in an official setting. This applies only for that specific NCO or Officer and in that instance.
Any In-game or operation channels
Ranks are dropped in game or during operations for the sake of brevity.
All other settings
Spirit of the Rule - In official settings, we observe the proper customs and courtesies. Otherwise, ranks can be dropped as the situation dictates.
Should you need to enter an HQ channel or that of a Department, please send the highest ranking person in that channel a Private Message over discord with a simple "knock?" and wait for a reply. That person will either allow you to come in, or will tell you to standby.
Those who receive knocks, should alert the whole room of an intent to enter, and either pause the conversation and allow them to enter or respond to the request to inform the interested party of an appropriate time to enter.
Allow up to 5 minutes before making another request to enter.
Spirit of the Rule - when members are in an Official setting, they may be discussing private or sensitive items, knocks are a way to inform those of your intent to enter.
When a discord direct message involves two or more vJFCOM parties than all vJFCOM rules and regulations apply to that conversation and individuals involved.
Spirit of the Rule - Treat all members and guests of the Unit with respect, dignity and empathy even when it is in private.
Regardless of a channel's intent and all in-game audio; all Community Rules apply at all times. Private channels, where only vJFCOM members are permitted, may allow for the use of profanity in Battlefield or Private settings at the discretion of the highest Authority in the channel.
Members of the public may be invited/moved into vJFCOM unit channels at the discretion of the unit's commander. They are also responsible for all conduct that occurs in front of that public member, and removal of that public member should their behavior deemed inappropriate.
Spirit of the Rule - This is to create a place where people must opt in to a looser set of rules regarding language.
A) No private discord server is permitted to be created or exist for the purpose of anything related to the performance of duties. Use only the official Virtual Joint Forces Command Discord Server for any official business.
B) You may only use group 'pings' with an 'agreeable length of time between subsequent pings. Agreeable is defined as what the ranking officer in the discussion says, as required to keep spam down to a minimum.
C) The official Virtual Joint Forces Command Discord Server is to be owned and administered by the Joint Staff. J6 HQ and other appropriate personnel will be delegated as administrators or moderators as determined by the Joint Forces Commander.